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  Scenario: yesterday Peter told his friend, Jessica, that he didn't feel very well. Now Jessica is asking Peter about his illness.

  J: Peter, are you feeling any better?

  P: Thanks for asking Jessica I am feeling quite a bit better now.

  J: I am glad to hear that.

  P: But I hate being sick! It was only a cold.

  J: How did you get that cold in the first place?

  P: I normally get a cold when the season changes from winter to summer or from summer to winter

  J: You mean, it follows a certain pattern?

  P: Yes, it always happens. So I am not surprised about getting this cold now.

  J: So what do you usually do to fight the cold?

  P: I normally take cold tablets and rest a lot. Also I drink flat lemonade as well as water.

  J: You are experienced. As for me, every time I come down with a cold, I just leave it there.

  P: That is not the best way to do things... I was lucky though because I still had some medicine from when I was sick in February

  J: But I do sleep more, as I believe, sleep is the best medicine...














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  1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】

  2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】

  3. we’re so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)【最高级的表扬!】

  4. i’m very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)【正式、真诚的赞扬!】

  5. this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!】

  6. you’re looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)【与众不同的表扬!】

  7. you always know the right thing to say. 8. you’re very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)【高层次的表扬!】

  9. nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)【极其地道的表扬!】

  10. the food is delicious.(好吃!)【最普通、但非常重要的表扬!】

  11. everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)

  12. your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)【外国人绝对喜欢听的表扬!】

  13. what an adorable baby!(多么可爱的孩子。)【只管大胆用!】

  14. i admire your work.

  15. i respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)【世界通用!】

  16. you’ve got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)【一个非常安全的表扬!】

  17. you have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)【美国人极其喜欢的表扬!】

  18. your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)【绝对和其他人不一样的表扬!】

  19. your english is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)【用了六星级形容词!】 20. you have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。)【现代人非常喜欢听!】

  21. you’re very professional.(你非常专业。)【专业化的表扬!】

  22. your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)

  23. you’re so smart.(你非常聪明。)

  24. i envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)

  25. your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)

  26. you two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)

  27. you’re really talented.(你很有天赋。)

  28. you look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)

  29. you have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

  30. you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。)
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  【第 一 句】要不我们拼车?

  【地道口语】How about we share a ride?


  Mr. Twistle: Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care of yourself.

  Chris Gardner: Mr. Twistle. Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride?


  【补充说明】拼车还可以被称作carpool——如果google一下你就会发现多数情况下这两个词是一起出现的,但毕竟share a ride更容易理解一些。

  【第 二 句】要不要搭便车?

  【地道口语】Do you want a ride?


  LOIS: It's not like we're a team or anything. Do you want a ride?

  CLARK: I'll walk. Maybe the fresh air will help.


  【补充说明】让人搭便车叫做give a ride,想要搭便车叫做want a ride,如果是搭车回家,那就是need a ride home。

  【第 三 句】来接我。

  【地道口语】Pick me up.


  JAMES WILSON: Amber was home.

  GREG HOUSE: I told her to find you. Have you pick me up.


  【补充说明】不一定非要是用小车来接,自行车的甜蜜蜜,人亲自到场护送的都叫pick up。

  【第 四 句】我要坐前排。

  【地道口语】I call shotgun.


  Lincoln: We're going to vegas.

  Roland: Oh, hell yes! Yo,I call shotgun!



  【第 五 句】快上车啦。

  【地道口语】Hop in.


  JOEY: Phoebe here with the cab yet?

  CHANDLER: Yeah, she, she brought the invisible cab...hop in.


  【补充说明】以前学校里教上车是get on the bus,口语里常用的hop这个动词,“跳上车”,显然更生活化,也带有一点催促的口气。

  【第 六 句】上路咯。

  【地道口语】Hit the road.


  Betty: If there was ever a time to be neighborly, this is it.

  Matthew: We’re idiots for staying here. I mean we should have hit the road as soon as they found Monroe’s body.


  【补充说明】hit是一个大词,而hit the road则是一个使用频率非常高的俚语,意思是“出发、离开”。

  【第 七 句】靠边停。

  【地道口语】Pull over.


  Booth: You know what I’m trying to mend bridges here.

  Bones: Alright, pull over.



  【第 八 句】放我下车。

  【地道口语】Drop me off.


  Behrooz: He tried to kill me, and then he did this to you. He’s not my father anymore. Mom, please.

  Dina: All right. Drop me off at an emergency room, but then you’ll have to drive away.

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  Part 1

  A: It looks like it's going to be sunny.


  B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday.


  A: They say we're going to get some rain later.


  B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm.


  PART 2

  A: I think it's going to be a nice day.


  B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.


  A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.


  B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.


  Part 3

  A: It seems to be clearing up.


  B: It's such a nice change.


  A: I really don't think this weather will last.


  B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.


  PART 4

  A: Beautiful day, isn't it?


  B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.


  A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.


  B: As long as it doesn't snow!

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  Morning! You come here so early.


  Morning! I just arrived here.

  小王:今天,我在地铁上看到有人带口罩了 (口罩怎么说)

  I saw someone wearing mask in the subway today.

  小陈:我也看到了,看起来猪流感是越来越严重了 (猪流感怎么说)

  So did I. It looks that the swine flu is more and more serious.


  The disease is still spreading.It is said that dozens of people have died from swine flu in Mexico.


  Hum,in America several people were confirmed and some people have showed the sympotom .By the way, swine flu is said to come from China,isn't it?

  小王:那肯定是造谣,中国现在都还没发现确诊的病例呢!我看一些外国人就喜欢把责任推给中国,金融危机不就这样吗? (这句话怎么说)

  Absolutely rumour.China hasn't find any confirmed cases so far. I think some foreigners like to pass the buck to China.they did so in the financial crisis,didn't they? (pass the buck to sb 把责任推给某人)




  Morning !


  Moring !


  You are wearing mask today!

  小芳:早上坐公车人特别多,说不定脸就碰到谁身上了。现在是非常时期,又没有预防疫苗,全靠自己小心点。 (这句话怎么说)

  Yeah ,buses are so crowded in the morning that your face is easy to touch someboby else.It is a special time now ,and there is no vaccine ,so you must take care of yourself


  Well ,you are so careful.

  小芳:我还带了自备了洗手液呢!勤洗手可以预防猪流感, (洗手液怎么说?)。

  Besides, I also bring my hand sanitizer .washing your hands often can prevent being infected


  Is it necessary to do that?

  小芳:不怕一万就怕万一,咱们办公室也得勤打扫,卖点消毒液消消毒吧! (消毒液怎么说)

  Just in case. It is necessary to clean our office often, I think. Why not buy some disinfectant ! (消毒液disinfectant)


  Not really!
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  Are you interested in the economy?


  Yes, lots of Americans care about politics and economy.

  小王:炒股么? (炒股怎么说?)

  Do you speculate in stocks?


  No ,but my wife do it,so I often read stock news too.


  Financial crisis has had a great impact on the stock market.

  老外:是啊,我家的股票都被套牢了 (“被套牢”怎么说)

  That's right.Our stocks have been trapped in the stockmarket.

  小王:昨天大盘高开低走,下午跳水,最后收到2000点,暴跌了100多点。(slump:是暴跌的意思,plunge to :跌倒..点)

  Yesterday the share maket rose sharply at the beginning ,and then climbed slowly, but it slumped in the afternoon,closing at two thousand point and falling more than one hundred points.


  It's incredible!

  小王:是啊,好多人都割肉撤出股市了 (pull out :是撤出股市的意思)

  Right!A lot of people have suffered to pull out


  Is there anybody analysing the stock tendency?


  Anyway many plans have been carried out to stimulate the economy.


  It will be better.It is mailnly the civilians ' confidence that are affected greatly.


  Hum ,no doubt that the share market willl rise after the economic recovery.


  What we should do now is operating carefully instead of trading easily.


  Right, we 'd better be carefull.
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  小王:What's the price of this T-shirt?


  营业员:two hundred each.



  That's too unreasonable!Aren't you having a big sale today?


  Yes,but this is the discount price

  小王:还是太贵了,你便宜点我就买 (直接杀价)

  It's still too expensive.I'd buy this if it were cheaper.


  You can take it at the price of 180 ,if you are so sincere to.

  小王;我是真心想买,但你出的价超出我的预算 (拐弯抹角地杀价)

  Yes ,I really want it,but the price is beyond my budget.


  You give me a price,please!


  营业员:这个价我不能卖,我进价还不只这个价呢? (不要信)

  I can't sell it. The price you give me is lower than its cost.

  小陈:你看这衣料又不是纯棉的,做工比较粗糙,进价肯定不高,这个价你能卖给我的。 (列出了一堆缺点,让对方无话可说)

  You see the T-shirt isn't made of pure cotton and the texture is not so smooth.I think its cost is low,and you can sell it at this prive.


  80?No,I can't

  小陈:我在别家有看过更便宜的,一摸一样的衣服 (尔虞我诈地杀价)

  I saw the same T-shirt much cheaper in other places


  It's impossibe.



  How about 90,both of us step back.

  小王:就80,我身上就这么多钱,贵了买不起。我是诚心想买 (坚持自己的原则)

  80 no more,because I can't afford it beyong this price. But I really want to buy this T-shirt.

  营业员:好好,你拿去吧,我从没卖过这个价的 (不要听)

  Ok, you can take it. I have nerver sold it at this price.
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  小王 Hello!


  老外: Hi

  小王: It's a fine day today!

  今天天气不错! (万能搭讪句)

  老外: Yes

  小王:不过天气预报说今天有雨而且会有三到四级东南风。 (三到四级东南风怎么说?)

  But the weather forecasts says it will rain today ,with southeast wind from class 3 to 4

  老外: Really ?Terrible!

  小王:是的,你没带雨伞吗? (雨伞怎么说?)

  True, Don't you bring umbrella?

  老外 No,I don't, I forget about it.

  小王:你坐几路车? (这句怎么说)

  which bus will you take ?


  小王:三环上经常堵车 (三环怎么说,堵车怎么说?)

  Traffic jams are common on the Three Ring Road

  老外:What a nuisance. I have to go to Guomao for something urgent. How can I get there except Number 300.


  By subway.

  老外:Where is the nearest subway station?

  小王:顺着路往前走,看到邮局左拐,再接着走100米就到了(指路场景),你坐开往劲松方向的车,在国贸下,从C口出。 (这句怎么说?)

  Walk along this road,and turn left at the post office,then walk down about 100 metres. You should take the subway in the direction of jinsong .,and get off it at the Guomao station,then you can go out from the exit of C.

  老外:Thank you!


  小王: 地铁上人多,你得小心点你的钱包和手机,有时候车上会有小偷。 (这句怎么说?)

  There are a lot of people in the subway. You should keep your eyes open on your wallet and cellphone.Maybe you will meet pickpokets in the subway.
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  1.Take Advantage of your Alarm

  Place your alarm on the opposite side of the room and set it on repeat so to shut it up you have to get out of your cosy sheets and walk over to it, hence waking you up and getting you out of bed first and every time.



  2. The Lazy Man's way

  If you are just a type of person who gets out of bed when ever you want to and you never end up getting out even if the alarm keeps ringing,then it‘s time you used this tip. Roll out, this may be a little dangerous for a person if you sleep on a top bunk. So don't try it if you are on a top bunk.



  3. Use Other people

  Have another person do anything you can think of to wake you up fully, some examples are pouring some water on your face, ripping all your blankets off, hitting you in the face with a pillow, but make sure they want to be hit in the face with a pillow!



  4. Tell Yourself there's a Nice Warm Shower Waiting

  This works, trust me, sometimes I'm cold and just run for the shower. Always a good last resort!


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  1. That's cool!

  很好, 很棒!

  Cool这个字在英文里的意思就是「很好, 很棒」的意思. 不管在任何时候我们要对其它人表现赞同时我们都可以说 "That's cool!" 或是单说, "Cool!"例如别人说, "I'm going to graduate this year." (我今年要毕业了.) 这时你就可以赶紧接一句, "That's cool!"又或是别人说, "We're going to win the championship this year." (我们今年要拿冠军了.) 你还是可以说,"That's cool!" 总之我们可以用 "That's cool." 或是 "Cool." 这句话来表示出对别人的认同. 不过要注意一点, cool在美语里跟中文里形容一个人很酷的那个酷是不一样的 (虽然它们的发音正好一样). 所以当你说, "He is a cool guy." 时,说的其实不是这个人很「酷」, 而是说这个人「很好、很棒」.

  另外老美也常常会问我, "Are you cool with that?" 意思就是,「你觉得这样子作好不好?」例如今天我朋友跟我约好一个时间, 但他临时有事, 必须晚到一个小时, 这时候他就可以问我, "Are you cool withthat?" (你觉得这样好吗?) 来徵求我的认同.

  2. Neat!


  Neat 这个字不论在用法上和程度上和 cool这个字可以说是差不多的, 同样都是表现出对别人的一种肯定和认同. 例如今天我说 "I've taken piano lessens for tenyears." (我已经学了十年的钢琴.) 这时候你就可以接, "Neat!" 或 "Cool!" (真是不简单!) 来表示你的敬佩之意.

  另外,neat 和 cool 也有「新奇」的意思. 当「新奇」解时这两个字常和 stuff 这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物. 例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, "Check out those neat stuff!" (看看这些很棒的东西.) 这里用 neat 来形容这件东西(stuff) 不但很新奇而且值得一看. 同样的你也可以说, cool stuff, 例如, "I've just bought some coolstuff." (我刚买了一些很棒的东西.)

  3. Good for you.


  Good 的用法跟 cool 很像,同样都是用来认同或是肯定别人的行为或表现. 例如小孩子跟妈妈说, "I've done my homework." 妈妈这时候就可以跟小孩子说,"Good. Now you can go and play." (很好, 现在你可以出去玩了. ) 或是人家说, "I got an A in thatcourse." (我在那门课里拿了一个 A.) 你就可以表扬她说 "That's good." 另外有时候我们跟好朋友之间还可以用, "Good foryou." 或是 "Good to hear." 来替对方加加油, 打打气. 例如好友对你说, "I'm getting married thismonth." 你就可以说, "Good for you." 或是 "Good to hear."

  Good 在朋友间相互嘘寒问暖时也很好用. 例如当你走在路上遇到了朋友, 他对你打招呼, "Hi! How're you doing?", 如果你不希望在打完招呼後再聊上两句的话. 我们通常就回答,"Good." 或是 "I'm good." 这样子别人就不会继续追问下去发生了什麽事. 当然啦, 如果是你希望别人关心你两句的话, 你就回答, "Bad."或是 "Not very good." 这样子别人就会关心你一下的.

  4. That's great!


  Great在口语之中通常不作它原来的意思「伟大」解. 平常老美用到 great 这个字时, 其实指的就是「很好、很棒」. 但 great在程度上比 good还高一级. 所以善用 good 和 great 的区别就可以表现出你的认同对方的程度. 比方说吧, 如果今天是个普通的好友拿了一个 A, 你可以说,"That's good." 就差不多了, 但如果是自己很要好的朋友拿了一个 A, 那就不妨说声, "That's great."这样表现出来的诚意会比较多一点. 当然, 别人跟你问好时回答, "I'm great." 也是不错的选择. 通常我们心情平平时说, "I'm good."就可以了, 但如果是心情比较好时, 就不妨说, "I'm great."

  不过要注意, 当老美说 "That's great!" 时有时候是在说反话喔!例如正在室外打网球打得正高兴时, 突然倾盆大雨, 这时你也可以说, "That's great!". 或是本来和同学讲好明天要跷课出去玩,结果教授突然宣布说明天要考试, 受不了这麽大打击的你也可以说, "That's great!" (真是棒啊!) 我想中文里我们也有很类似的用法,所以大家应该不会太讶异老美也常爱说反话吧?

  5. Wonderful.


  Wonderful 在程度上又要比 great再高一级. 如果我们可以把 great 翻成「很棒」的话, 那 wonderful 就是「太棒了」. 接上一个例子, 如果拿了一个 A的这个人不但是你很要好的朋友, 还是长得美美的异性朋友, 这时说一句, "Wonderful." 保证可以让人家心花怒放的.

  如果是别人对你问好,你回答 "I'm wonderful." 呢? 这当然表示你今天心花怒放, 走在路上都会唱歌呢! 当然如果别人真的够朋友的话, 一定会再追问你,今天为什麽这麽快乐啊? 是什麽事情让你心情这麽样地好. 记得曾经在一个广播上听到一段主持人和 call-in 进来听众间的对话. 主持人先问, "How areyou today?" 听众答, "I am just good." 主持人不太满意, "Just good?" 於是那人就赶紧改口说, "I amgreat." 没想到主持人还是不满意继续咄咄逼人说, "Just great?" 那人没办法只好说, "I am wonderful."这时主持人才算真正满意. 不过由这个例子我想大家可以很清楚地看到 good, great 和 wonderful 之间程度上的区别.



  Incredible 算是 good/great/wonderful/incredible这一系列形容词的最高级了. 如果拿登泰山来比喻这一系列的形容词, good 算是登山口吧! 而 great 呢? 充其量不过就是傲来峰了. 再来wonderful 就己经上到了扇子崖. 而 incredible 当然就是山顶南天门了. 所以如果非要用到 incredible 这个字不同,就表示这个东西真的是好到让你印象深刻, 令人难以置信. 例如之前提到长得美美的异性朋友, 她不但是只拿了一个 A, 而且是整个学期每门课都拿 A,(straight A's) 那你可能就要说 "That's incredible!" 了.

  不过注意一下, 别人跟你问好是不能答说 "I amincredible." 的喔! 因为通常我们说某人, "He is incredible." 指的是某人有过人之处. 所以你如果说自己 incredible听来有点在自夸的意思. 所以如果是别人问好, 最多我们就讲 "I'm wonderful." 也就行啦.

  7. The movie isterrific!


  Terrific 在字典里查到有「恐怖、可怕」的意思, 可是在美国几乎没有人用这个字来当作可怕的意思,基本上, 它就是「太棒了!」的意思. 这个字的等级大概跟 wonderful 差不多. 例如看完电影後别人问你, "Do you like it?"(你喜欢这部电影吗?) 你就可以回答说, "Yes. That movie was terrific!" (是的, 这部电影太棒了!) 再举一个例子,有一次我去美国着名的 Six Flag 游乐园 (Amusement Park) 搭乘恶名昭彰的自由落体 (Free Fall). 当我们安全降落後,後面的老美问他儿子, "What did you think?" (你觉得如何?) 那个小鬼就说了, "Terrific!" (太棒了!)

  还有另一个单字 fabulous 不论在意思上和用法上跟 terrific 都十分地接近, 都是用来形容「非常棒的」. 例如你看到你的好友今天气色极佳, 不妨跟他说声, "You look terrific today!" 或是 "You look fabuloustoday!" (你今天看来很棒!)

  8. Awesome!


  Awesome 和 terrific 一样,在英汉字典里都有可怕的意思, 但事实上 awesome 和 terrific 百分之百就只有很棒的意思, 老美常用来形容可怕的单字是awful/terrible, 请勿和 awesome/terrific 混淆了. 用法上通常老美只单讲 awesome 一个字, 例如别人问你, "Howdo you like my new house?" (你觉得我的新家如何?) 你就可以竖起大姆指说. "Awesome!" 或是人家问你, "What doyou think of that game?" (你觉得那场比赛如何?) 这时你也可以说 "Awesome!"表示那场比赛真的是很精采.

  在日常生活的运用上, wonderful, terrific, fabulous, awesome 跟另一个单字excellent 基本上都是可以互换使用的. 例如你刚从欧洲旅游回来, 别人问你, "How's your trip?" (旅程如何啊?)这时你的选择就有很多种了. 你不但可以回答, "Wonderful!"、"Terrific!" "Fabulous!" 还可以回答, "Awesome!" 、"Excellent!" 这几个字不论在意义上和程度上都不多.

  9. She's so pretty!


  Pretty 和beautiful 都是用来形容「美丽、漂亮」的人时很常用到的词汇. 例如我们看到一个美丽的女生, 也可以称赞她, "She's pretty." 或是"She's beautiful." 这些都是大家一开始学英文就应该会的用法. 但是一般人不知道 pretty 只能用於形容人和状态 (situation),并不能像 beautiful 还可以用来修饰风景 (见 Collins Cobuild 字典). 所以当我们来到一个风光明媚的地方时, 可以说. "What abeautiful place!" 或是 "How beautiful!" 但是不能说, "What a pretty place."

  另外pretty 还有一种用法各位比较不熟悉, 就可以用来形容状态 (situation). 例如当别人有精采的表现或演出时,特别是在运动比赛时例如棒球赛时打了一只全垒打或是篮球赛里盖了一个大火锅. 这时我们就可以说, "That's pretty." 或是, "That'sbeautiful."

  10. Gorgeous!


  Gorgeous 也是用来形容「美丽、漂亮」的事物.例如上次我去参观纽约的大都会博物馆, 当我逛到一个全部都是油画的展示厅时, 身边的老美就情不自禁地喊了一声, "Gorgeous."所以你就知道这个地方有多漂亮了, 後来小笨霖我也情不自禁地说了一声 "Gorgeous." 只不过这次我不是看到什麽美丽的油画,而是看到了一位气质出众的金发美女.

  虽然 pretty/beautiful 也作「美丽、漂亮」解释, 但在程度上 gorgeous 比beautiful 跟 pretty 还要再漂亮一点. 所以在应用上我们可以视情况而决定要用 pretty/beautiful 或是 gorgeous. 例如小美女的话我们就可以说, "She's pretty." 但是大美女的话就可以说 "She's gorgeous." 但是 gorgeous可不限於美女专用喔! 老美也常会用 gorgeous 来形容美男的. 例如, "Her brother is gorgeous. We all likehim." (她的哥哥长得很好看, 我们都很喜欢他.)

  如果是小美女用 pretty, 大美女用 gorgeous. 那「超级大美女」要怎麽说?英文里有一个字眼叫 drop-dead gorgeous. 意思是说这种美女会让你看到之後, 会让你因为惊艳而「昏倒」. (drop-dead 原意是倒下去,双脚一伸, 死了, 但这里翻「昏倒」会比较好一点.) 所以如果各位有认识什麽 drop-dead gorgeous 的美女,可别忘记在昏倒前通知小笨霖我一声喔.